Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Arthritis Treatments

Arthritis Treatment Overview

We use this title because not all arthritis treatment is, shall we say, enjoyable. If you suffer from the painful effects of this debilitating condition though, very little can seem worse. The pain is often so severe that the simplest movements can cause anguish and even tears. But, there are treatments to help arthritis. Can they cure it? That is still to be seen, but many have shown to be effective in fighting off the pain. First, there are many different types of arthritis. The causes of each will help to determine the treatment. But, here, we will talk mainly of the treatment options available and then those that are quite possibly the best at treating rheumatoid arthritis.

The symptoms of any arthritis start with pain. There is pain in the joints in a way that limits the amount of movement a person has. Now, remember, as well, that arthritis can strike any individual, not necessarily just older people. So, if a child stops using a limb complaining of pain, a doctor should be seen. On top of this, if symptoms of pain are accompanied with fever a doctor should be seen immediately as this can be a sign of a deadlier arthritis known as septic arthritis. In all cases, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. The problem in rheumatoid arthritis is that, in trying to deal with the inflammation, the immune system ends up attacking the cartilage in the joints. The end result is pain and lessened use of the effected joint.

In order to stop this process, arthritis treatments can be anything from surgery to medications. There are some good notes about medications, but in the end, they can not resolve the entire problem, only mask the pain for a while. Surgery is invasive and costly. Physical treatment is available and has shown good progress in helping some patients. There are also herbal remedies that have shown good signs of helping as well. There is one product that we would like to mention in a little more detail. What is so unique about this product, though, is that it is a natural treatment that can be taken.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in particular, collagen type II can be just as good as a cure to some individuals. This natural substance is actually a main component of cartilage itself. But, no injections are needed because this is an oral treatment. You will take a pill, in other words. There are many reasons why this medication works including the fact that it has an absorption rate of 70 to 90 percent. This means more of it is used and fewer doses are needed. There are other reasons why it works so well.

For instance, the immune system has a component of cells in the intestine called the GALT. This is where proteins are recognized as food or “friend” and therefore not treated as allergies or sensitivities by the digestive system. When collagen type II is ingested, the GALT recognizes this amino acid as a friendly protein. This action switches off the immune system’s attack on collagen elsewhere in the body as in arthritic joints. Instead of the immune system fighting the inflammation and destroying the remaining good material, the Galt simply tells it to stop. And, probably the most important aspect of this natural arthritis treatment is that it can also help to rebuild the damaged and destroyed cartilage. The combination of these two factors can help to restore a normal way of life.

For more information visit:

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Cause of Irritable Bowel Symdrome

As discussed previously, irritable bowel syndrome is believed to be due to the abnormal function (dysfunction) of the muscles of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract or the nerves controlling the organs. The nervous control of the gastrointestinal tract, however, is complex. A system of nerves runs the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to the anus in the muscular walls of the organs. These nerves communicate with other nerves that travel to and from the spinal cord. Nerves within the spinal cord, in turn, travel to and from the brain. (The gastrointestinal tract is exceeded in the numbers of nerves it contains only by the spinal cord and brain.) Thus, the abnormal function of the nervous system in IBS may occur in a gastrointestinal muscular organ, the spinal cord, or the brain.

The nervous system that controls the gastrointestinal organs, as with most other organs, contains both sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves continuously sense what is happening within the organ and relay this information to nerves in the organ's wall. From there, information can be relayed to the spinal cord and brain. The information is received and processed in the organ's wall, the spinal cord, or the brain. Then, based on this sensory input and the way the input is processed, commands (responses) are sent to the organ over the motor nerves. Two of the most common motor responses in the intestine are contraction or relaxation of the muscle of the organ and secretion of fluid and/or mucus into the organ.

As already mentioned, abnormal function of the nerves of the gastrointestinal organs, at least theoretically, might occur in the organ, spinal cord, or brain. Moreover, the abnormalities might occur in the sensory nerves, the motor nerves, or at processing centers in the intestine, spinal cord, or brain. Some researchers argue that the cause of functional diseases is abnormalities in the function of the sensory nerves. For example, normal activities, such as stretching of the small intestine by food, may give rise to abnormal sensory signals that are sent to the spinal cord and brain, where they are perceived as pain.

Other researchers argue that the cause of functional diseases is abnormalities in the function of the motor nerves. For example, abnormal commands through the motor nerves might produce a painful spasm (contraction) of the muscles. Still others argue that abnormally functioning processing centers are responsible for functional diseases because they misinterpret normal sensations or send abnormal commands to the organ. In fact, some functional diseases may be due to sensory dysfunction, motor dysfunction, or both sensory and motor dysfunction. Still others may be due to abnormalities within the processing centers One area that is receiving a great deal of scientific attention is the potential role of gas produced by intestinal bacteria in patients with IBS. Studies have demonstrated that patients with IBS produce larger amounts of gas than individuals without IBS, and the gas may be retained longer in the small intestine. Among patients with IBS, abdominal size increases over the day, reaching a maximum in the evening and returning to baseline by the following morning. In individuals without IBS, there is no increase in abdominal size during the day.

There has been a great deal of controversy over the role that poor digestion and/or absorption of dietary sugars may play in aggravating the symptoms of IBS. Poor digestion of lactose, the sugar in milk, is very common as is poor absorption of fructose, a sweetener found in many processed foods. Poor digestion or absorption of these sugars could aggravate the symptoms of IBS since unabsorbed sugars often cause increased formation of gas.

Although these abnormalities in production and transport of gas could give rise to some of the symptoms of IBS, much more work will need to be done before the role of intestinal gas in IBS is clear.

Dietary fat in healthy individuals causes food as well as gas to move more slowly through the stomach and small intestine. Some patients with IBS may even respond to dietary fat in an exaggerated fashion with greater slowing. Thus, dietary fat could--and probably does--aggravate the symptoms of IBS.

For more information visit:

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Active Mothers Rely on Bowtrol Colon Cleanser

They say a mother’s work is never done and most active mothers would agree. With taking the kids to school, soccer practice, doctor’s appointments, shopping for groceries, keeping the house clean, and trying to fix good, nutritious meals for the family, most active mothers do not want or need something like irritable bowel syndrome to inhibit their activity and make things for difficult. That is why so many active mothers use Bowtrol Colon Cleanser

Most active mothers know that you can’t take care of your family if you are not taking care of yourself. Part of being healthy is maintaining a clean colon for good functioning of the gastrointestinal system. This provides proper intake of nutrients to the body, giving the body enough energy to function and keeping the immune system active and ready to ward off ailments and disease. The process of being healthy requires two or three bowel movements per day to shed toxins that build up in the colon. That’s where a quality, natural product like Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can come in. By using Bowtrol Colon Cleanser fecal matter can be expelled in a more effective manner. Bad bacteria that is building up in the colon and preparing to attack the body can be discharged. The result is better health.

Irritable bowel syndrome can be a real bummer. Imagine trying to concentrate on fixing a creative and healthy dinner for the family when all you can think about are abdominal cramps. Add to that feeling boated and knowing that you suffer from water retention. It makes everything much harder to accomplish. How can you think about taking care of your family when you feel so lousy? And don’t even think about the diarrhea. Having to run to the bathroom every few minutes is not only uncomfortable but it is downright inconvenient. Getting all of that stuff out of your body that causes such problems is a solution that no one can argue with. One very effective way of doing that is to use Bowtrol Colon Cleanser. Add Bowtrol Colon Cleanser to healthy eating habits, making sure that you have enough fiber, whole grains, vegetables and fruits and reducing the intake of fat and processed sugar is a great first step towards colon cleanliness and colon health. Something all busy and active mothers need. Health colons and healthy lifestyles lead to happy families, and a sure way to improve your colon health is use of Bowtrol Colon Cleanser.

For more information visit:

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Green Tea Increases Metebolism

Green Tea Extract Increases Metabolism, May Aid in Weight Loss

There are two ways to lose weight -- either reduce energy intake, or increase energy expenditure. Because hypothyroidism -- even after treatment -- may reduce energy expenditure in some people, patients naturally are looking for options that can help safely help raise the metabolism.

In a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect on fat oxidation. While some of the effects were originally theorized to be due to the caffeine content of green tea, the researchers discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond those that would be explained by the caffeine.

The same amount of caffeine as was in the green tea, administered alone, failed to change energy expenditure in other studies. This led reseachers to believe that there is some interaction going on with the active ingredients of green tea that promotes increased metabolism and fat oxidation.

The researchers indicated that their findings have substantial implications for weight control. A 4% overall increase in 24-hour energy expenditure was attributed to the green tea extract, however, the research found that the extra expenditure took place during the daytime. This led them to conclude that, since thermogenesis (the body's own rate of burning calories) contributes 8-10% of daily energy expenditure in a typical cubject, that this 4% overall increase in energy expenditure due to the green tea actually translated to a 35-43% increase in daytime thermogenesis.

For more information visit:

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Ways to Quit Smoking

There are countless ways to quit smoking, and the majority of smokers have tried their hands at most of them. There is the old "cold turkey" standby that tends to send people into a painful period of withdrawal that eventually causes them to start smoking again. There are also the nicotine-based cessation programs like gum, patches, and lozenges. While many of these result in short-term success, they usually don't help you quit smoking for good.

Ultra-Herbal offers one of the safest and most effective ways to quit smoking on the market today: Nicocure. These all-natural patches are fully effective 97 percent of the time. Instead of releasing more of an addictive chemical into your system, Nicocure patches utilize a proprietary, all-natural formula to rid your body of its need for nicotine. Why try to break a nicotine habit by giving your body more of this dangerous chemical? Try Nicocure instead for a safe, all-natural alternative to those ineffective, nicotine-based gums and patches.

Results or Your Money Back - With Nicocure, you simply wear one patch a day for 30 days. In many cases, users see satisfying results within the first 10 days! Even when this occurs, however, it is a good idea to continue the process for the full 30 days. If for some reason you are not happy with your progress after 20 days, you can return the remainder of your patches and get a full refund on your purchase (minus shipping and handling).

Nicocure patches give you the best opportunity to quit smoking fast and for good. They make quitting easy and comfortable, eliminating withdrawal symptoms. They are also equally effective for people who have just started smoking and those who have tried to quit for years. And because Nicocure is all-natural, you know that's completely safe. For the stop smoking aid that truly breaks the nicotine cycle, try Nicocure today, completely risk-free.

For more information visit:

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Ultra Herbal Store Mega Herbal Site

Ultra Herbal is one of the biggest manufacturers of herbal supplements, capsule products and other liquid formulations to help people supplement their lives. They create unique, safe and effective herbal dietary and other supplements that are made from the finest pharmaceutical grade of ingredients.

They offer a wide range of product which includes products for general health, weight loss, women’s health, men’s health, and skin care.

This is what they claim:

"We create unique, safe and effective products that help people supplement their lives. We are proud to offer a wide range of natural health supplements and skin care products made only from the finest natural ingredients available today."


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Paul, UK

Check on the Ultra Herbal website for more information.

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